
Project showcasing cliff 2 bedroom villa in Sunut Lombok

IKLAN-ID : 1916707054 | AKTIF
Harga IDR,-

satu tahun yang lalu

Sekaroh, Jerowaru, Lombok 83672 West Nusa Tenggara Indonesia, Sekaroh, Jerowaru, Kab. Lombok Timur, Nusa Tenggara Barat
260 m2
180 m2
Jalan Lingkungan

For sale: 80 Years Leasehold cliff 2 badroom villas as a part of ARYA PROPERTIES GROUP, Step into our awe-inspiring cliffside villa nestled on the enchanting island of Lombok. Perched on the edge of a majestic cliff, our residence offers a truly elevated experience, seamlessly blending luxury living with panoramic vistas. Immerse yourself in the essence of Cliff Villa through our visualization, and explore forthcoming villas, each a masterpiece of exquisite craftsmanship and coastal harmony. Every villa is strategically positioned to face the cliff, revealing mesmerizing views of the expansive sea and private beaches adorned with corals.
The 2 bedroom cliff villa is crafted for those who relish good company. The entire expanse surrounding the villa will be enveloped by a variety of lush plants and trees, forming a natural hedge. Paired with the inviting pool, it will serve as the perfect sanctuary for relaxation on this tropical island.

Get a glimpse of our vision for the future aesthetic of the villas. Delve into every aspect, from furniture to accessories, and meticulous details.

Each villa will feature expansive glass windows, offering stunning views from bedrooms and living rooms that extend to the terrace and lush green surroundings. Our garden architect will carefully select plants that harmonize with the overall resort concept.

The villas featuring a private pool with amazing cliff ocean view, garden, terrace, living room, kitchen. Also, you'll discover two bedrooms, each with its private bathroom.

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