
Project showcasing 1 bedroom sunny villa, Lombok

IKLAN-ID : 439277069 | AKTIF
Harga IDR,-

9 bulan yang lalu

Sekaroh, Jerowaru, Lombok 83672 West Nusa Tenggara Indonesia, Sekaroh, Jerowaru, Kab. Lombok Timur, Nusa Tenggara Barat
150 m2
56 m2
Jalan Lingkungan

For sale: 80 Years Leasehold 1 bedroom modern villas, introducing the Sunny Villa on the enchanting island of Lombok. Its prime location within our resort, proximate to the pool and beach, renders it an excellent choice for a residence. The selection of materials has been meticulous; white stones and warm wooden accents establish a captivating atmosphere, particularly on balmy evenings.

Step into the Sunny Villa through our visualization and witness the villa fronts adorned with stones and framed with wood, creating a harmonious blend with the natural surroundings. Explore upcoming villas, each a testament to exquisite craftsmanship and coastal harmony.

The one bedroom Sunny Villa is tailored for couples or friends. The entire perimeter surrounding the villa will be enveloped by diverse plants and trees, forming a natural hedge. Paired with the pool, it promises to be the quintessential spot for relaxation on this tropical island. It's the perfect retreat, just for you.

All villas will have large glass windows. The view from bedroom will be on the terrace as well as on the greenery. The plants will be selected by our garden architect and will fit into the whole concept of the resort. You won't want to leave this place.

The villas featuring with amazing view, garden, terrace, living room, kitchen. Also you can add pool for additional option and you just need to pay extra charge.  

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